
Food ID Food Name Category Scope
AFC_F000061 Amaranth, grain, whole, uncooked CEREAL_PROD AFC
AFC_F000378 Barley, pearl, boiled, no added fat or salt CEREAL_PROD AFC
AFC_F000379 Barley, pearl, uncooked CEREAL_PROD AFC
AFC_F001115 Biscuit, savoury, corn cake, plain, salted CEREAL_PROD AFC
AFC_F001118 Biscuit, savoury, from rye flour, crispbread CEREAL_PROD AFC
AFC_F001120 Biscuit, savoury, from wheat flour, crispbread, puffed & toasted CEREAL_PROD AFC
AFC_F001129 Biscuit, savoury, from white wheat flour, Salada style CEREAL_PROD AFC
AFC_F001122 Biscuit, savoury, from white wheat flour, cheese-flavoured CEREAL_PROD AFC
AFC_F001123 Biscuit, savoury, from white wheat flour, flaky cracker style CEREAL_PROD AFC
AFC_F001125 Biscuit, savoury, from white wheat flour, flavoured (excluding cheese) CEREAL_PROD AFC
AFC_F001126 Biscuit, savoury, from white wheat flour, plain snack cracker style CEREAL_PROD AFC
AFC_F001133 Biscuit, savoury, from white wheat flour, water cracker style CEREAL_PROD AFC
AFC_F001135 Biscuit, savoury, from wholemeal wheat flour & rye flour, crispbread, puffed CEREAL_PROD AFC
AFC_F001137 Biscuit, savoury, from wholemeal wheat flour, crispbread CEREAL_PROD AFC
AFC_F001147 Biscuit, savoury, rice cake, from brown rice, plain CEREAL_PROD AFC
AFC_F009833 Biscuit, savoury, rice cracker, added vegetable powder CEREAL_PROD AFC
AFC_F001151 Biscuit, savoury, rice cracker, flavoured (excluding seaweed) CEREAL_PROD AFC
AFC_F001152 Biscuit, savoury, rice cracker, plain CEREAL_PROD AFC
AFC_F001153 Biscuit, savoury, rice cracker, seaweed flavoured CEREAL_PROD AFC
AFC_F009832 Biscuit, savoury, seed based CEREAL_PROD AFC
AFC_F001165 Biscuit, sweet, Anzac style, homemade from basic ingredients CEREAL_PROD AFC
AFC_F001167 Biscuit, sweet, biscuit base, caramel filling, chocolate-coated, commercial CEREAL_PROD AFC
AFC_F001168 Biscuit, sweet, biscuit base, mint filling, chocolate-coated CEREAL_PROD AFC
AFC_F009839 Biscuit, sweet, breakfast style, with or without dried fruit CEREAL_PROD AFC
AFC_F001170 Biscuit, sweet, chocolate chip or coated CEREAL_PROD AFC
AFC_F009834 Biscuit, sweet, cream filled, commercial CEREAL_PROD AFC
AFC_F001215 Biscuit, sweet, plain CEREAL_PROD AFC
AFC_F001233 Biscuit, sweet, sandwich, cream & jam filling CEREAL_PROD AFC
AFC_F001234 Biscuit, sweet, sandwich, cream filling, chocolate-coated, tim tam style CEREAL_PROD AFC
AFC_F001244 Biscuit, sweet, shortbread style, commercial CEREAL_PROD AFC
AFC_F001251 Biscuit, sweet, wheatmeal CEREAL_PROD AFC
AFC_F001353 Bread roll, from white flour CEREAL_PROD AFC
AFC_F001358 Bread roll, from white flour, toasted CEREAL_PROD AFC
AFC_F001360 Bread roll, from wholemeal flour CEREAL_PROD AFC
AFC_F001364 Bread roll, from wholemeal flour, toasted CEREAL_PROD AFC
AFC_F001365 Bread roll, mixed grain CEREAL_PROD AFC
AFC_F001368 Bread roll, mixed grain, toasted CEREAL_PROD AFC
AFC_F001372 Bread roll, topped with cheese CEREAL_PROD AFC
AFC_F001373 Bread roll, topped with cheese & bacon CEREAL_PROD AFC
AFC_F001647 Bread, Naan, commercial CEREAL_PROD AFC
AFC_F001374 Bread, banana CEREAL_PROD AFC
AFC_F001387 Bread, damper, from white flour, homemade CEREAL_PROD AFC
AFC_F001420 Bread, flat (pita or Lebanese), white, commercial CEREAL_PROD AFC
AFC_F001404 Bread, flat (pita or Lebanese), wholemeal, commercial CEREAL_PROD AFC
AFC_F001450 Bread, from rye flour, sour dough CEREAL_PROD AFC
AFC_F001451 Bread, from rye flour, sour dough, toasted CEREAL_PROD AFC
AFC_F001458 Bread, from wheat flour, added dried fruit, toasted CEREAL_PROD AFC
AFC_F001543 Bread, from white Jackaroo flour, added fibre and vitamins B1 & folate & Fe CEREAL_PROD AFC
AFC_F001544 Bread, from white Jackaroo flour, added fibre and vitamins B1 & folate & Fe, toasted CEREAL_PROD AFC
AFC_F001463 Bread, from white flour CEREAL_PROD AFC
AFC_F001528 Bread, from white flour, Italian-style, commercial CEREAL_PROD AFC
AFC_F001529 Bread, from white flour, Italian-style, commercial, toasted CEREAL_PROD AFC
AFC_F001671 Bread, from white flour, Turkish CEREAL_PROD AFC
AFC_F001672 Bread, from white flour, Turkish, toasted CEREAL_PROD AFC
AFC_F001466 Bread, from white flour, added calcium CEREAL_PROD AFC
AFC_F001467 Bread, from white flour, added calcium, toasted CEREAL_PROD AFC
AFC_F001457 Bread, from white flour, added dried fruit CEREAL_PROD AFC
AFC_F001468 Bread, from white flour, added fibre CEREAL_PROD AFC
AFC_F001479 Bread, from white flour, added fibre, toasted CEREAL_PROD AFC
AFC_F001482 Bread, from white flour, added iron CEREAL_PROD AFC
AFC_F001483 Bread, from white flour, added iron, toasted CEREAL_PROD AFC
AFC_F001484 Bread, from white flour, added omega-3 polyunsaturates CEREAL_PROD AFC
AFC_F001485 Bread, from white flour, added omega-3 polyunsaturates, toasted CEREAL_PROD AFC
AFC_F001513 Bread, from white flour, extra grainy & seeds CEREAL_PROD AFC
AFC_F001514 Bread, from white flour, extra grainy & seeds, toasted CEREAL_PROD AFC
AFC_F001537 Bread, from white flour, sour dough, commercial CEREAL_PROD AFC
AFC_F001538 Bread, from white flour, sour dough, commercial, toasted CEREAL_PROD AFC
AFC_F001541 Bread, from white flour, toasted CEREAL_PROD AFC
AFC_F001553 Bread, from wholemeal flour CEREAL_PROD AFC
AFC_F001573 Bread, from wholemeal flour, extra grainy & seeds CEREAL_PROD AFC
AFC_F001576 Bread, from wholemeal flour, extra grainy & seeds, toasted CEREAL_PROD AFC
AFC_F001597 Bread, from wholemeal flour, toasted CEREAL_PROD AFC
AFC_F001601 Bread, garlic or herb, homemade, cooked CEREAL_PROD AFC
AFC_F001600 Bread, garlic, commercial, cooked CEREAL_PROD AFC
AFC_F001603 Bread, gluten free CEREAL_PROD AFC
AFC_F001609 Bread, gluten free, toasted CEREAL_PROD AFC
AFC_F001621 Bread, mixed grain CEREAL_PROD AFC
AFC_F001644 Bread, mixed grain, toasted CEREAL_PROD AFC
AFC_F001545 Bread, organic CEREAL_PROD AFC
AFC_F001548 Bread, organic, toasted CEREAL_PROD AFC
AFC_F001653 Bread, pizza base, commercial CEREAL_PROD AFC
AFC_F001669 Bread, tortilla, white, commercial CEREAL_PROD AFC
AFC_F001415 Bread, wrap, white, commercial CEREAL_PROD AFC
AFC_F001683 Breadcrumbs, white CEREAL_PROD AFC
AFC_F001701 Breakfast cereal, flakes of corn, added vitamins B1, B2, B3, C & folate, Fe & Zn CEREAL_PROD AFC
AFC_F001708 Breakfast cereal, flakes of corn, unfortified CEREAL_PROD AFC
AFC_F001720 Breakfast cereal, mixed grain (rice & wheat), flakes, added vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6 & folate, Ca, Fe & Zn CEREAL_PROD AFC
AFC_F001733 Breakfast cereal, mixed grain (wheat & oat), flakes, apricot & sultana, added vitamins B1, B2, B3 & folate & Fe CEREAL_PROD AFC
AFC_F001767 Breakfast cereal, mixed grain (wheat, oat & corn), extruded, added vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, C & folate, Ca & Fe CEREAL_PROD AFC
AFC_F001788 Breakfast cereal, mixed grain (wheat, rice & oat), flakes, honey, unfortified CEREAL_PROD AFC
AFC_F001803 Breakfast cereal, puffed or popped rice, added vitamins B1, B2, B3, C & folate, Fe & Zn CEREAL_PROD AFC
AFC_F001807 Breakfast cereal, puffed or popped rice, cocoa coating, added vitamins B1, B2, B3, C & folate, Ca, Fe & Zn CEREAL_PROD AFC
AFC_F001811 Breakfast cereal, puffed or popped rice, no added sugar or salt, unfortified CEREAL_PROD AFC
AFC_F001823 Breakfast cereal, wheat bran, flakes, sultanas, added vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6 & folate, Fe & Zn CEREAL_PROD AFC
AFC_F001829 Breakfast cereal, wheat bran, pellets, added vitamins B1, B2 & folate, Fe & Zn CEREAL_PROD AFC
AFC_F001844 Breakfast cereal, whole wheat, biscuit, added vitamins B1, B2, B3 & folate, Fe & Zn CEREAL_PROD AFC
AFC_F001845 Breakfast cereal, whole wheat, biscuit, bran, added vitamins B1, B2, B3 & folate & Fe CEREAL_PROD AFC
AFC_F001849 Breakfast cereal, whole wheat, biscuit, no added sugar, unfortified CEREAL_PROD AFC
AFC_F001862 Breakfast cereal, whole wheat, flakes, dried fruit & nuts, added fibre, vitamins B1, B2, B3 & folate, Ca & Fe CEREAL_PROD AFC
AFC_F001871 Breakfast cereal, whole wheat, puffed, no added sugar or salt, unfortified CEREAL_PROD AFC