Recipe details:
Category Recipe/Food ID Recipe Name Recipe Quantity (g) Serving size (g) Scope
CEREAL_PROD AFC_F002150 Cake, fruit, homemade, uniced 2082.018 100 AFC
Recipe STEPS:
Step Type ID Ingredient or process name Value Notes Retention Profile
INGRED_G AFC_F000248 Baking soda (bicarbonate), dry powder 2.268 RET_0
INGRED_G AFC_F000050 Alcoholic beverage, spirit, approximately 30% v/v, all (Brandy, Gin, Rum, Vodka and Whisky), cooked 160.0 RET_0
INGRED_G AFC_F004739 Juice, orange, commercial 131.0 RET_270
INGRED_G AFC_F004007 Flour, wheat, white, plain 202.5 RET_301
INGRED_G AFC_F004009 Flour, wheat, white, self-raising 33.75 RET_301
INGRED_G AFC_F001973 Butter, plain, salted 200.0 RET_5019
INGRED_G AFC_F003729 Egg, chicken, whole, raw 150.0 RET_101
INGRED_G AFC_F003496 Date, dried 160.0 RET_251
INGRED_G AFC_F005712 Mixed dried fruit 1000.0 RET_251
INGRED_G AFC_F006081 Nut, almond, with skin, raw, unsalted 42.5 RET_2203