Recipe details:
Category Recipe/Food ID Recipe Name Recipe Quantity (g) Serving size (g) Scope
CEREAL_PROD AFC_F001939 Bun, sweet, with dried fruit, iced 102.5 100 AFC
Recipe STEPS:
Step Type ID Ingredient or process name Value Notes Retention Profile
INGRED_G AFC_F007878 Salt, table, iodised 0.7 RET_0
INGRED_G AFC_F009606 Yeast, dry powder 1.0 RET_0
INGRED_G AFC_F009527 Water, tap 26.0 RET_0
INGRED_G AFC_F004006 Flour, wheat, white, high protein or bread making flour 50.0 RET_301
INGRED_G AFC_F001971 Butter, plain, no added salt 1.5 RET_5019
INGRED_G AFC_F006155 Oil, blend of monounsaturated vegetable oils 4.0 RET_5019
INGRED_G AFC_F005712 Mixed dried fruit 12.0 RET_251
INGRED_G AFC_F008976 Sugar, white, granulated or lump 9.3 RET_0
INGRED_G AFC_100 Water Pure -2 Moisture change RET_0